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Property Management Software?

Devils Advocate

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Hi all,

I'm looking for some simple software that would allow management of a small portfolio of privately let properties - eg 1-10.

Two main areas, one would be entry of rent and expenses, etc, the other would be a contact manager where I can make notes about the let, tenant requests, etc and preferably be automatically notified (perhaps by email?) of significant dates - eg rent due, gas cert due, notice of end of tenancy, insurance due, etc.

Naturally these dates would need to be entered once first, but once set up for a property could run in the background.

Of course these things can be done in excel and outlook or similar, but a single neat dedicated property portfolio program must be available out there? (at a reasonable price :angry:

Anyone have any suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...

Have a look at Landlords Property Tax Manager from http://www.proprty-tax-portal.co.uk

It is good for self managed properties, also lets you set up a number of property portfolios, and properties, tenants, tenancies and contacts for varios things. Has Early Warning system or alarms for events set up / reminders.

Will also help with Tax Return

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  • 3 years later...

Try Landlord Enterprise - there's a 2009 version that allows you to use your own form text with fields from the database.It alos does accounting, maintenance logs, scheduling, and lots more.

they have a free trial at www.landlordenterprise.com

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