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no tenanacy agreement - what are my rights


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i'm hoping someone can give me some advice....

4 months ago I 'rented' my house out to friends of my partner. They pay me a minimal rent (just enough to cover the mortgage). We agreed that we would review the situation every 6 months. Nothing has been put in writing and the couple that i have rented my house to have officially let thier property through a letting agent ( for one year, with a 6 month break clause)

The problem is that i now need to go back to my house for personal reasons. From looking at a few other posts on this site, it seems that i have no rights to my own property!! Can someone clarify where i stand? I really need to be back living in the security of my own home

Any help will be so gratefully received

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in the absence of any written agreement you have created an assured shorthold tenancy, minimum term is 6 months. see s19a housing act 1988. You will be able to obtain possession by serving a s.21 notice. If they do not leave on expiry of your notice you will be able to issue a claim for possession. You only problem will be you will not be able to use the accelerated (paper claim) procedure and there will have to be a court hearing. You have certainly not lost your home!

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i'm hoping someone can give me some advice....

4 months ago I 'rented' my house out to friends of my partner. They pay me a minimal rent (just enough to cover the mortgage). We agreed that we would review the situation every 6 months. Nothing has been put in writing and the couple that i have rented my house to have officially let thier property through a letting agent ( for one year, with a 6 month break clause)

The problem is that i now need to go back to my house for personal reasons. From looking at a few other posts on this site, it seems that i have no rights to my own property!! Can someone clarify where i stand? I really need to be back living in the security of my own home

Any help will be so gratefully received

You seem to have fallen into the 'doing someone a good turn' trap & unwittingly granted an AST as Law has said.

Have you discussed the situation with your tenants? They might see reason & move out but if not it'll be the legal repossession route which will take several months & cost a few hundred quid.

Next time a mate's homeless your response will have to be along the lines of 'tough, not my problem!'.

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