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My tenants first six month AST started 25th May 2012 until (agreement states to and including) 24th Nov 2012. I want to issue a Section 21 but am aware if I dont get the dates right it could be useless. Does up to and including mean that they can sleep there the night of the 24th? I understand that if they are there for any period on the 25th it trips over to a periodic agreement. So do I date the expiry of the Section 21 for the 24th or the 25th?? Help....

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You are still in the fixed term period of the tenancy, in the circumstances you serve a s.21b notice. The tenancy expires midnight 24 November which is the date your notice should expire. When you are in the fixed term the rules are not as harsh a a periodic tenancy, in effect you just need to give two months notices it matters not that your notice expires after the fixed term has expired.

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hopefull - thanks thats billiant.

You are still in the fixed term period of the tenancy, in the circumstances you serve a s.21b notice. The tenancy expires midnight 24 November which is the date your notice should expire. When you are in the fixed term the rules are not as harsh a a periodic tenancy, in effect you just need to give two months notices it matters not that your notice expires after the fixed term has expired.

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