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BTL Morgages for people without income?


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To get any mortgage the applicant has to be able to show income - how else will the company know if you are going to pay?

These days financial regulation is tight so doing any dodgy deal as you are proposing is not going to be a possibility.

Silly question but why don't you get the mortgage in your own name?


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To get any mortgage the applicant has to be able to show income - how else will the company know if you are going to pay?

These days financial regulation is tight so doing any dodgy deal as you are proposing is not going to be a possibility.

Silly question but why don't you get the mortgage in your own name?


For tax reasons

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  • 1 month later...

There are most definetly a very limited amount of lenders who are happy to lend on a BTL mortgage where the applicant has no income

Lenders continually change their lending criteria depending on ever changing market conditions.

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