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I've been told by my letting agent that they've received photographs from my landlord of the back garden of the property I live in. These photos were taken without my consent. Is the landlord allowed to do this? There are three small children living here and I don't know it they could have been photographed too. Please help!! Thanks

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Of course a landlord can photograph the outside of his property. I take it he stood on public road or foot path to do so? Why did he do so and send to letting agent is the question I would like answered? Do you suspect this man of being a paedophile? If so contact your local police for advice.


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actually it sounds more like he was seeking proof that you are allowing more people than designated on the lease to be living there - and lawfully he would be held responsible for the safety of the people living there (IF he knew about it) however, if you have unlawfully moved relatives and family members in without his consent he can have you removed through the courts.

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