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management comany not doing their job


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I posted my problem before but it look slike I haven't worded it right. Bear with me one more time.

We have a leak in the flat. Our management company investigated and say that it's communal roof that needs to be repaired and it is the cause of he leak (top floor flat), so it's their responsibility. To find the case, the workers made a hole in the ceiling of the flat. It's about six weeks on, and nothing is done. Leak is there, hole in the ceiling is there. The manager said that he instructed the building company and is waiting to hear from them. We waited several weeks and it looks like he has been untruthful about it as well as other things, and the building company doesn't have his instructions or had any calls from him. They're ready to start the work but need to be instructed - not what he told us.

We've been calling him many times and there had always been an excuse why the work hasn't been started. Is there anything that we can do? The flat is usually rented, so now as landlords, we're losing our money. Confronting him was of no use. We're the leaseholders, if it helps. We don't have the management acknowledging their responsibility in writing, just their words.

Any help is appreciated.

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Write a letter to the management company and ask what their intentions are? Do you have reserve funds to cover the work? it could be depending on the cost that the management company needs to serve notices on leaseholders.

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I am currently undertaking an Msc at Birmingham City University. In fulfilment of this I am undertaking a survey to investigative leaseholder’s views of their home ownership. If you are a leaseholder please participate in this survey. The survey needs to be completed by the end of June in order for the results to be analysed and written. The link below will give leaseholders direct access to the survey. No leaseholder will be identified and personal information that could potentially identify a leaseholder is not required. Your assistance is very much appreciated.


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