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Definiton of kitchen, bathroom, habitable

Greg MacD

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Hello, after originally having problems getting a residential mortgage i've been

granted more time to get things in order. The original Abbey valuation said that the

house wasn't habitable as it didn't have a proper kitchen or bathroom or heating.The house i'm buying was basically

empty. To make it habitable does it have to have radiators in every room, including kitchen and

bathroom and hall? Are electric heaters ok?  I'm installing a kitchen and bathroom. Just wondering what the proper

definition of such is(haven't got much joy in forums). Does a kitchen have to have a cooking oven or just a switch for one?

Does gas have to be switched on(presumably could say that a new account had to be set up)? The valuers won't actually

check that the water is being heated?? ....just that the proper system(i.e. combi boiler) is in place? Would they check for gas/electric compliance

certs(just worried as they had seen house empty a few weeks ago.I think I have the bathroom sorted already... hot and cold taps,

in bath and sink, and loo with water.Anything else I need to know?  Thanks in advance for quick  replies, regards, Greg.

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When you say the house was empty do you mean it was totally gutted and just a shell?

A mortgage company will want to see a working bathroom and a usable kitchen which must include a cooker - gas or electric. Sounds like to get to that stage will take a lot of work. Heating could be storage heaters. Was this an auction purchase?


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Were you intending to let the property? if so you need a BTL mortgage not a residential.

Why not put central heating in? You don't need a cooker to let but I'd want one as a tenant, goes without saying you need a bathroom and kitchen.

Do the work and present the property properly you'll get a fair rent and hopefully interested tenants, don't do it and be prepared to wait.

Although I may have got this wrong and you are intending to live there yourself doing the work as you can afford, in which case contact the surveyor and ask them their definition and what is required as the lender always takes their comments.

Good luck

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