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Tenant move out


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Need some help here on tenant move-out. I got a flat let to 4 people, just one of them decide to move out. What are the normal move-out instructions I should give to her or what are the things I need pay attention to.

Also got a question on deposit, normally how long after tenant moves out shall I return the deposit, 1 week, 2 week or immediately? And how I can return her money which is deposited in DPS? Can I pay to her bank account from DPS system directly?

Thanks a lot for your help!

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It depends on what you stipulated in your tenancy agreement. You could have for example agreed that the 'household' is responsible for filling the entire house so you didn't have to deal with individual cases. One thing I would suggest is that you always check the property before they leave to make sure nothing is broken and the other 3 tenants simply saying that was xx who moved out not us.

Regarding your deposit - this should be registered with a tenant deposit scheme - you can then seek their advice on this matter.

Hope this helps

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