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Insurance claims


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Has your insurer appointed an independent Loss Adjuster?

A good one should manage the claim for you, agreeing what work the insurer should pay for, help you select a builder, either of your choice or by their appointment, provide a surveyor to advise how repairs should be done, and inform insurer of agreed costs.

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Thanks for reply.

The loss adjuster acts for the insurance company and does not get involved with supervising building works,getting quotations,dealing with contractor s and so on whereas claims management companies do all of these things,a one stop shop from start to finish. I'm thinking of companies like tangible building......

Has your insurer appointed an independent Loss Adjuster?

A good one should manage the claim for you, agreeing what work the insurer should pay for, help you select a builder, either of your choice or by their appointment, provide a surveyor to advise how repairs should be done, and inform insurer of agreed costs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have insurance against the damage to you property then you should not be looking for the company to repair the ceiling.Insurance company will take care of it as soon as you tell them about the mishap. But if you don't have home insurance policy then you should look for the company.

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