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Change from fixed term to rolling lease???


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Sorry for my naivety in these matters; I am acting landlord for my brother while he has moved to Australia for a couple of years so I am renting out his house for them.

I have rented the house privately so far and the current tenants are coming to the end of their 6 month fixed term contract....they would like to rent for longer but on a rolling lease as they are looking or their own property but I'm not sure if I need a whole new contract for this or whether I can amend the current one or what?

Also do I need a new AT5??

The property is in Scotland

Any advice much appreciated and I hope you can understand my question!

Thanks very much

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You should always try to get the tenant to sign a new lease. The main reasons are that they are tied to a fixed term and you also have records for proof of utilities etc.

Legally they can get away with not signing a lease. In Scotland they will go onto what is called "tacit relocation". What this means is that the terms of the lease are still the same except they can give you one months notice at any point.

All the documentation from the original signing will be valid also.

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