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Termination from estate agency


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Hello everyone

i really need some advice. I rent a property out a the moment. I have used the same estate agent for one year now, my contract is full management. But the problem im having is the agency are very bad at customer services, they never call you back, they have charged me for things i have disputed but the answer for them charging me makes no sense. I spoke to the tentant a few days ago and found out they feel the same way, they will ask the agency to contact me for a job that needs doing in the house and i dont hear about it for nearly a month. its crazy. Anyway i found a new agency that i am happy with but after telling the manager of my present agency that i am going to move they told me i cant take my tentant as its their tenant. I have payed a finders fee though cant see that being right. I checked the terms and conditions the only thing it says, is as follows " either party can withdraw the agreement by giving a months notice, in the event of this agreement being terminated whilst the tenancy continues, a fee of 50% of one mths rent has to be payed to the agency."

Can anyone tell me do i have a right to take them with me???

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If that's is what it says in your agreement with the current agency then that is so. Write to that agency highlighting that point in your contract, enclose a cheque for the 50% of one months rent and make sure your tenant only pays you rent in the future or pays rent to the new agent. Tenant will have to cancel existing standing order in favour of old agent.

This is your tenant not the agency's.

Are you going to use the new agency for management only since you already have a tenant? If so make sure you get a good deal with the new agent as you are already providing him/her with a solid tenant.

Only time will tell if the new agent lives up to your expectations so read carefully any contract you are entering into and feel free to alter anything you are not happy with - i.e. any 'get out' clause like you are using now with old agent.

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yes only for management. Just thinking my tenant said they would hand in their notice with the estate agent once they are out of their contact, would that be better? if both of us hand in our termination then leave and signed up as new at the other agency. The new agency already confirmed they would waiver any charges for new tenants and it would just continue with the monthly management fee. what do you think???

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