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Recommended letting agents


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I've recently acquired a house in north london which I'm currently refurbishing and hoping to let in the near future. Given that I live nearly 300 miles from the property and am a newbie landlord I need to use a managing agent. I've read alot on here and elsewhere about what to look for and avoid in an agent but at the end of the day nothing beats personal recommendation. Could anyone suggest someone in the N11 /N13 / N14 area?


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I let in S. London and use an agent for tenant finding. Starting out I used the agent with most boards up figuring that if everyone else uses them that would be OK and it was. Later I changed agents as first one started making excessive charges for renewing agreements etc. They always sent good quality tenants for me to interview and gave me progress reports on the marketing of my property.

I recommend you ring several of the main companies you see boards up for in your area and ask them to send thier 'Terms of business' - from that reading choose who to go with. You can't expect other members to do the dirty work for you. Being a landlord is a steep learning curve but reading and learning the trade will help you ask the right questions and be successful.


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