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rental payments


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recently my tenants have been paying rent straight into my account, however since i increased the monthly rental they have said they are refusing to pay it into my bank account. what are the rules regarding collections. i dont really want to go to the house due to the husband getting abusive when he's had something to drink. other than this they are ok tenants.

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This is the old 'making you do something for the money' scenario. Tenants seem to forget that you can increase the rent quite legally when appropriate.

Check your tenancy agreement - if probably says they have to pay by standing order?

So now you have to decide whether to go and collect rent or try and reason with them. If you don't feel like doing either give them notice to quit and see if that brings about paying via the bank.

If the man is abusive maybe it is time they went anyway. Issue Section 8 if appropriate and/ or Section 21 for re-posession in 8 weeks.


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