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Compensation from agent for unathorised removal of furniture


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My managing agent removed several items of furniture (double bed, cupboard, large chest of drawers, bedside tables, tv etc) from my flat. This was without my knowledge or authorisation. I only discovered the truth when I visited the flat on another mattter. Eventually they have offered me compensation but they have depreciated the value of the goods based on the estimated age (which is about right) - ie as if a tenant had removed them rather - than offering me new for old. I do feel aggrieved because the items were absolutely fine and now I am having to replace at full cost.

What are thoughts on their compensation offer?


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What do you mean by 'remove' - you mean they dumped them, sold them, gave them away? Technically this is theft but you are NOT going to get new for old.

Golden rule - never accept 1st offer in this situation. Price up cost of replacements for similar items - not the latest digital TV - and send this is as an opener to further negotiation.

If this does not get the result you are looking for ask for distress/ inconveniece/theft money of £100 as well as money for the missing items and threaten breach of contract for acting against the terms of any contract you might have had with them. Check your contract first!

If the agent is a member of ARLA or NAEA complain to them and let them negtotiate a settlement.

If all else fails you could try the small claims court for a specified amount - keep that in waiting as they won't want to go down that route.


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What do you mean by 'remove' - you mean they dumped them, sold them, gave them away? Technically this is theft but you are NOT going to get new for old.

Golden rule - never accept 1st offer in this situation. Price up cost of replacements for similar items - not the latest digital TV - and send this is as an opener to further negotiation.

If this does not get the result you are looking for ask for distress/ inconveniece/theft money of £100 as well as money for the missing items and threaten breach of contract for acting against the terms of any contract you might have had with them. Check your contract first!

If the agent is a member of ARLA or NAEA complain to them and let them negtotiate a settlement.

If all else fails you could try the small claims court for a specified amount - keep that in waiting as they won't want to go down that route.


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