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Section 21 dates


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Hi, could you please help me.

Tenant signed AST agreement on 04/03/10, as I do not want to extend the tenancy agreement but want to regain possession of the property do I need to issue a Section 21 (1) (B) ?

Also could you tell me what date I need to put as the date of expiry of the notice? And would I put this date as ON or AFTER?

If tenant doesn't confirm the date they will move out on, how do I check if they are still at the property after the expiry date?

Many thanks

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You need to issue a section 21 with the correct dates on ie 2months notice dated 4/6/10 to 5/8/10

If you give notice on 4th June, and wanted property back on 4th August, this could be deemed as less than two months, because if the agreement started on the 4th then technically the 4th would be one day less than two months.

So, you must serve notice on the 4th June, at the latest to get property back by 5th August, to cover yourself.

Send a covering letter explaining you will attend the property at 12pm on day of expiry to collect keys and inspect the property

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