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break clauses in AST


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I have found some tenants who want a 12 month contract without a break clause. I always have a six month break clause in mine. Are there any disadvantages from the landlords perspective to not having a break caluse written into the contract. I assume it mensa I won't be able to give them notice until the end of the tenancy but surely I would eb able to if they ahd contravened their agreement.

Thanks in advance.

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If you want a 6 month AST then go with that you're the LL. Makes me wonder why they insist on a 12 month AST, up go the warning flags for me.



why do you say that? They want to live there for 5-7 years (apparantly). We would like someone for about 12 months as have plans to develop the site the property is on but thats another story.

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Hi Michaela,

In London as opposed to most of the UK -( I take it this is your SW19 flat) - it is very common to have a 1 year contract with a 6 month break clause. What if you don't like the tenants? Then you can get rid of after 6 months - if not they stay for a year renewable. I recommend you do it that way.

I find that tenants that say they want to stay for 6 years never do. Life is not that predictable especially when renting. Stick with the 1 year renewable contract with a 6 month break in the first year. Don't make life hard work by promising things that are unnecessary. Take control and you tell the tenants what is available don't let them tell you what to do.



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