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Research Question


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I am a researcher in the field of unexplained human activity concerning houses that are homes. The question is that some landlords or property owners have noticed that if a property has been left vacant for a long period of time the property begins to become in a state decay and disrepair and I am wondering if anyone in this forum has experienced that or has known of someone who has experienced that phenomenon? Any comment would be appreciated.

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Unexplained? Or blindingly obvious!

Lack or absence of care always leads to decay because unattended problems don't get better on their own, they only get worse. (2nd law of thermodynamics springs to mind here.)

Anyone who owns a home will consciously, or even subconsciously, keep an eye on the state of it and generally attend to problems* within weeks if not months of arising. If no-one's there how can this happen?

*Anything from dust, squeaking hinges, dripping taps, leaking radiators, dirty walls, chipped paint, worn carpets, cracked plaster, lost roof tiles, condensation (damp) from lack of regular ventilation, etc, etc. etc......

Who, other than a disinterested tenant, would want to treat a property otherwise?

Have I missed the point? (Is someone paying for this 'Research'?)

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@ Chestnut

I suppose I did not give enough details to make my question clear. When a property is vacant logic would tell you that those things you listed were not being used and so they should remain in a good or new state; however I have observed that these properties began to fall apart because they are not occupied. You stated: "Anyone who owns a home will consciously, or even subconsciously, keep an eye on the state of it and generally attend to problems" This is certainly true however major structural damage is more what I had in mine.

The question then arises does someones presents in the property give an added cohesion to the property through some unseen field that is associated with there desire to make a house a home. In short peoples desire is much stronger than we presently know and there are many unanswered questions about human conscientiousness and unconsciousness.

No one is paying me to do this study. If you know someone who would pay for this information please let me know. This is just a pastime to fulfill my desire to learn something new.

Thanks again for your response. :(

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One would like to think that if you close up an empty house it would be in exactly the same condition when you re-open.

Logically (and obviously to me!) this is not so because a number of basic surrounding entities are naturally unstable - unless kept an eye on.

Air condensation is a typically obvious example - without changing the air inside it leads to mould, rust, etc. which deteriorates the fabric. Condensation occurs when air temperature changes in absence of ventilation.

Animals are another. Mites, moths, ants, beetles and things are always consuming fabric unless cleaned periodically.

Subsidence is yet another. The earth under a house is always creeping as the water table rises and falls. And it certainly did last year where I live!

Why don't you consult the National Trust? They systematically close their houses for winter ('put them to bed') and should have the knowledge and experience that might be of interest to you.

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