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Hello a bit complicated, awkward old tenants, still disputing deposit given back.

Intially gave back a chque and then another after they gave so much hassle, but was over generous.

Anyway they have not cashed either cheque say they wont and that they are still owed £90 which they are not.

I live in ISLE OF MAN so we dont have to put the deposit in a protection scheme, as far as I am aware that is, and the tenancy agreement say there will be no interest on it paid back to tenants.

Why have they not cashed the two cheques when they are in debt? Any ideas?

One person said maybe that if they paid it into a bank account and perhaps bank account in debt then they woudl see none of this money?

Or perhaps they cannot open a new account?

Or maybe they are holding on for more money from me?

ONe is on benefits as she cannot go back to work after maternity leave as far as I am aware as she hit someone at work.

So a little concerned by all of this, would like to write them a letter saying where they went wrong in tenancy agreement, no tv licnec, pets when not allowed pets, did not sign up for gas, had someone else putting this down as their address on correspondence. And then at the bottom of letter say that if the 2 cheques are not cashed in 7 days will cancel them. BUT CAN I CANCEL THEM ONCE GIVEN TO THEM WILL I BE IN THE WRONG??? Help please??

they also say the tenancy agreement says that they only had to give 2 months notice, I said 3, see what you think, this is at the start on page one,

1. TO HOLD the same unto the Tenants for the period of eleven months and 25 days from 12 ‘O’ clock on 5th June 2009 to 12 ‘O’ clock on 30 April 2010. The Tenants shall not be entitled to occupy the demised premises' after 12 ‘O’ clock on the 30 April 2010 unless specifically agreed between the tenants and the Landlord.


(5) Not to do or suffer to be done in or upon the demised premises or any part thereof any act or thing which may be or become a nuisance damage annoyance or inconvenience to the occupiers of any of the adjoining dwellings in the neighbourhood.

(6) The Landlord may increase the rent of the demised premises by giving the Tenants two months notice in writing prior to a rent payment day specifying the amount of the new rent.

(7) The Tenants will then pay the increased amount as the Rent on and from that rent payment day.

(8) That the Tenants insures his/her belongings and furniture.

(9) The Landlord can terminate the Tenancy on the last day of the Term, or after the Term, by service of the landlord’s notice of intention to seek possession.

(10) The Tenant can terminate the Tenancy by vacating the Property on the last day of the Term, or after that by giving the landlord two months notice in writing.

(11) That the Lease is determinable with three month’s notice by either party.

SO WHAT DO YOU READ IT AS, 2 or 3 months notice?

they also say they want a months back rent?

I thought that it was 3, as clause 10 says 2 months notice after term, and surely that is at the end of this tenancy agreement only?

thanks for any help.

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