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Fixtures and fittings cover on landlords contents


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I have recently bought a 2 bedroom flat {cash buy}with the intention of renting it out.Done all the work on it got all the necessary paperwork and now is in the hands of my letting agent.My question is about insurance.The block buildings insurance is by Ecclesiastical,and looking at their policy summary they exclude accidental and malicious damage should I sub let {it's leasehold}.This has been confirmed by the council rent officer{the council own the block}.OK,so I look around for a good contents policy and speak to a couple of brokers.I am specifically worried about protecting kitchen and bathroom units which are classed as fixtures and fittings,and are usually protected by buildings insurance,though not in this case apparently.All the contents policies I have looked at all seem to leave out fixtures and fittings in the policy wording of what Contents is defined as i.e carpets,curtains,light fittings etc.The 2 brokers I spoke to seemed a bit clueless as to how to give me adequate protection on these 2 items also.

My question is this, does anyone know of a good Landlords contents policy that apart from curtains and carpets will protect my kitchen and bathroom fittings from accidental and malicious damage?I don't want a policy that only deals with carpets and curtains.

Any response will be gratefully received,


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Hi Nigel,

Some companies specialise in accidental cover of this kind but I think you may have trouble finding cover for malicious damage.

I have had to insure some strange bits of property/risks over the years and more recently have used a specialist broker called Assetsure based in N. London - just google it I find them very knowledgable, helpful and open Saturdays.

Good luck,


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Hi Nigel,

Some companies specialise in accidental cover of this kind but I think you may have trouble finding cover for malicious damage.

I have had to insure some strange bits of property/risks over the years and more recently have used a specialist broker called Assetsure based in N. London - just google it I find them very knowledgable, helpful and open Saturdays.

Good luck,



Thankyou very much for your quick response.One of the brokers rang me the other day saying that Commercial Express will give me £17500 worth of cover including bathroom and kitchen on accidental damage for £180,but I have to wait until I get a tenant in before I get the accidental damage extension,whilst the property is empty I have paid £120 for the standard cover of £5000.Even though she reckons that kitchen and bathroom will be covered,I will wait until I get a tenant in and then contact her again to try and make sure of this.Their definition of Contents is Household Furniture,carpets and curtains which I think leaves them plenty of room to exclude Kitchen and bathroom.Trying to sort out adequate insurance is giving me more of a headache than getting the tradesman in to update the place and me doing the decorating and various small repair jobs.I will ring Assetsure and have a chat with them.I am letting it unfurnished.I will let you know what happens eventually{if you are interested}.Thanks once again for your trouble.

Nigelf xx{assume that you are a lady}

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