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how come


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I was reading the paper the other day and they had a article on jack tweed and how his landlord was kicking him out, and had given him 14 days to get out. I thought landlords had to give them two months notice by law and if they wanted to leave they would have to give two months notice to the landlord???? is there different rules depending on how much money you have?

Another thing the council up are way put tenents in houses in bedsits with no carpets, smashed windows on the whole the places look not fit to put a animal in and charge 125 pound a week yet for private landlords there are so many rules and you have a job getting 70 pound out of the council for them, how come one set of rules for them and another for private????????

just wanted to no peoples views and if they had any ideas why

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I was reading the paper the other day and they had a article on jack tweed and how his landlord was kicking him out, and had given him 14 days to get out. I thought landlords had to give them two months notice by law and if they wanted to leave they would have to give two months notice to the landlord???? is there different rules depending on how much money you have?

Another thing the council up are way put tenents in houses in bedsits with no carpets, smashed windows on the whole the places look not fit to put a animal in and charge 125 pound a week yet for private landlords there are so many rules and you have a job getting 70 pound out of the council for them, how come one set of rules for them and another for private????????

just wanted to no peoples views and if they had any ideas why

You may find that Jack Tweed's LL has either served him a section 8 showing his 'intentions' on gaining possession of the property. (lots of tenants see this as notice to go but if read they'll see that it actually ISN'T) or the LL has already used S21 and the APP and the COURT has given him notice to quit in 14 days.

On the flip side, tenants ONLY need to give ONE MONTH'S notice if out of a fixed term contract.

Councils are a law unto themselves and get away with murder when it comes to placing tenants into unsuitable accomodation and leaving them in that. You are correct, the hoops LL's are made to jump through are getting smaller and smaller!

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I had to think who Jack Tweed was for a moment - husband of the late Jade Goody for those who may not know. He got his 'famous for 15 minutes' stab at at the limelight by assaulting at least one person and was convicted for it.

Another thing to remember here Trustee is not to believe everything you read in the newspapers. A small part

of it may be true but the rest sells papers which is what the industry needs to do right now. Anything connected with the late Jade does seem to be of great public interest hence the story I suspect. I wonder how many other people got 14 days notice on that day?


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