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How to earn an additional income


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I know what I’m about to tell you is not unique but I’ve not heard it mentioned here before so I thought it might be worth bringing it to the fore.

At the beginning of the year I came across a company called Utility Warehouse, the deal is you sign over tenants (or any residential customer for that matter) and in return, for each customer signed up, you get paid a one-off sign-up fee and an ongoing commission on the monthly spend of each customer.

The ongoing commission continues for as long as the consumer stays with Utility Warehouse.

This is really easy because they do actually offer an excellent value for money package.

Anyway after some extensive research I signed up as a distributor last March, I also partnered up with a couple of IFA’s - I would advise everyone to at least have a look at this.

For your own research our website explains the potential in greater detail.


Go for the RED page where you'll find two videos one called ‘What’s it all about’ the other ‘How the money works’ (click on the pig), they just about explain the bones of it.

I would be happy to help get you started but you would need to be signed up under an existing distributor and to be honest that bit helps me but I’ll explain that and everything else you need to know in more detail if you are interested.

I’ve set up my own email for this business


If you want to give it a try and do it all by yourself, then go here:


sign yourself up online, and do it your own way.

I hope this helps, it certainly has helped me.



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Hi Rodent

I'm suprised you don't do this on your own behalf and get the monthly spend commission as well as the full sign up fee.

Agree they are not the cheapest but they are and always will be competitive, that aside the only way you'll have the cheapest gas and electric is to switch every 60 days. They also come out extremely well in consumer satisfaction surveys so there's enough in their package to make it a good deal.

Thanks for your reply though as it does show that someone is alive and earning from this type of thing and that was the point I was trying to get over. Now that I am involved I just wish I did this a few years back.



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Hi Everyone,

As a member of the utility warehouse distributor club myself i thought i'd back up on what Selkirk has said.

I believe every landlord and property investor should join the club as it is a guaranteed way to get a bonus on the cashflow you receive from your properties. As every investor should know the best wealth building strategy is leverage.

By signing up your properties you are offering a service to your tenants giving them better quailty and services as well as being rewarded.

the registration fee is also refunded as soon as you have 12 sign ups within 3 months. Investors with 12+ properties on their portfolio are already benefiting from getting a free business.

estate agents are another sector which should be interested in this business as they can offer all their clients the services.

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me on jakir_miah@hotmail.com

thank you

Jakir Miah


p.s more info available on the website please click on 'EARN WITH US' also watch this video about how you get paid: www.networkerplus.co.uk/money

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