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Landlord ID


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I'm hoping for some opinions on this. I recently asked for a photocopy of two tenants (joint) passports for identification purposes. I realise they may not be legally obliged to give me this. However they had no issue with this, though they have turned around and asked me for mine. Naturally I am a little uncomfortable with giving a photocopy of my passport to two strangers (in light of identification fraud) - I know this sounds a little hypocritical because I have asked them for it. I am happy to show them my passport though if necessary.

I was just wondering if I am legally obliged to give ID as a landlord (I haven't read it anywhere and have done quite a bit of reading) and if this is an unusual request from the tenants? It seems it to me only because I have never been asked before. I suspect they have only asked me because I asked them. Am I being unreasonable? Would you give them a photocopy?



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They do have a point - what is sauce for the goose ... etc. I am sure there are plenty of scams with bogus landlords.

I think your suggestion of showing them your passport is reasonable but if they want a copy, I think I would be wary and decline.

I could see that being a registered landlord with the Local Authority would have been advantageous in this instance.

Let us know how you get on.



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Who owns the Goose though!

As part of the ID, credit checks etc this is a requirement that they agree can be undertaken as part of the assessment process.

You are entitled to this information as part of the contract agreement, they are not - I too would decline.



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Hii all,

Very interesting post. I did the tenant passport thing only last week and have never been challenged to show mine. I would have no objection to showing a passport but would not allow any tenant to have a copy.

I always write to the tenant with the Landlord ID no. for the Deposit Protection Scheme set up with their names and like to think this is proof enough of genuiness. (Is there such a word?)


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Legally - all you have to provide as landlord is an address where legal notices may be served.

You are required as a landlord to establish the identity of potential tenants especially if from overseas. Maybe part of money laundering laws or imigration. I certainly would not take on a client without establishing identity BUT dont forget Passports etc can be faked so always use number one nose for curiosity and common sense. You should ALWAYS background check potential tenants especiallu=y if from the UK. Some companies who guarantee rents will not pay out unless you have undertaken this proceedure. Given the times we live in and the potential for the security services/Police/ other agencies to come a nocking at any time - the more information you have on file the better!

You are not required to establish your Bone Fides but are required to take all reasonable steps to establish the Bone Fides of your tenants. Obviously if you are a memmebr of an appropriate Landlord Scheme/ have professional membership all the better.

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Great thanks for that info, I try to check thoroughly all tenants before letting them move in, and each time I get more thorough thanks to the info I pick up. It's always good to learn new tips, I think the next step will be to join a landlord scheme.

I met up with the tenants yesterday and I think they're just that type of people that obsessively check everything. Even though I gave them a copy of the contract a few days before signing so they could read through it, they still wanted to check BOTH official copies word for word to make sure there weren't any discrepancies and that they were identical to the copy I gave them before. They then did the same with both copies of the DPS prescribed information. Even when it came to paying the deposit they counted the money between them about 5 times each before letting me count it. It was actually quite funny. It is in a way good to see this in tenants, now I know they can't use ignorance as an excuse for breaching a term in the contract! Not that that would have ever worked anyway...

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