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planning or no planning


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I have been renting out my garage convertion to my sister (granny annexe) not attched to the house. Now I have building control approval on the place but it did not need planning permission when built as it was for a family member.

She has know moved out and I would like to rent it out as a flat.

anyone know how/what type of planning aproval i would need the planningportal website does not seem to have any info on this.


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I don't understand this question. You would have needed planning consent for the conversion in the first instance. There is no planning exemption for family members.

You now have Building control approval, is this for the original construction or for the conversion? Because the conversion will need building consent as well as planning consent.

In any event you will need to pop down to your local planning office and tell them you want to apply for retrospective planning consent for a garage conversion, they will give you a form, fill it in, pay your fee and they will consider your proposal and either grant or refuse consent dependent on the circumstances and their planning policy.

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You probably don't need any more 'consents' if your original development was within the 'permitted development' meterage and if it does not affect the front elevation of your property full planning consent is not necessary.

If building control have signed it off then you are free to carry on. I would definitely add a fire blanket before letting if there is not one in place already.

Good luck,


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Hi Mortia

I'm not sure I agree with you one this one!

djk has now got two separate properties on the one plot. The extra property will require planning permission, I can't see this being 'permitted develpment'.

The question is, will djk be brave enough to check with the planners?



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Hi Gee,

OK - disagreements are allowed!

I we need more info from DJK but I would argue that if he has had building control in then they would have been notified by the planners that a development was taking place and the need for their rules, advice and checks. A lay person would not automatically say ' oooh I must get building control in as I am changing my garage to a flat'. The first thing a person would do usually is to apply for planning consent.

Permitted development rules have changed a lot recently. Garages attached to houses seem to always be called 'accommodation' now - I know this from personal dealings.

Let's see if we get more info.


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Afternoon Mortitia

As usual we are given the briefest details to go on and often interpret the question differnetly based on our different assumptions.

What I don't understand, is that he says he has now got building reg approval. As you rightly say it is not what a lay person would do first.

If he did get B. regs either retrospectively or at the time of conversion, you would have thought he would have applied for planning permission (or at least checked whether they are necessary) at the same time. After all the Planners and Building inspectors are often found in the same Council Building. If he knew how to get B. regs, why is he now asking what sort of PP he requires?

The thing that strikes me as being most important is that the garage conversion is separate from the house.

Anyway as you say, lets see if we get any further info.



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