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Smoke alarms?


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Hi all,

I have a few questions regarding smoke alarms and was hoping for some advice.

1. Can anyone tell me where residential landlords stand with regards smoke alarms and the law, is it now compulsory to have them fitted or is it still the landlords choice (albeit a sensible one to have them)?

2. Also, are standard battery powered ones ok (just batteries only and not the mains ones with battery back up), I am thinking of the 10 year battery ones screwfix sell?

3. Where are the best places to site them, I was thinking kitchen and upstairs hall in a standard 2/3 bed mid terraced property?

4. Finally if landlords fit them are we obliged to keep checking the batteries are working and alarms functioning or could there be a clause in the tenany agreement whereby a spare battery is provided and the tenant agrees to insert the new battery if the alarm fails, or is this unnecessary?

Hope you can help as I am getting conflicting advice on this.

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There should not be any conflicting advice on this it's quite simple really. I personally believe it should be law that every single home in this country should have a smoke alarm and hard wired where possible.

If they are battery operated i would change the batteries every year (gives you a reason if you need one to view the property as well). Batteries are really cheap and it will show your T that you are a considerate LL.

I would fit them in the hallway and as the top of the stairs (think how smoke would travel), however, phone your local fire brigade their advice will be second to none.

Hope that helps



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All rented prop should have smoke alarms - preferably mains, interlinked with battery backup.

All local councils have their own policy on this which does vary.

Best move:

Contact your local "Private Sector Housing" dept within local council and seek advice - GET IN WRITING and cover your arse, as most councils will give 3 different answers depending on who happens to take your call.

Nice and straightforward really !

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