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Renewing 6 month contract & deposit


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I have a tenant on a 6 Month AST that is about to expire who wants to renew for a further 6 months.

Do I issue a new 6 months contract AST?

or keep it on a periodic?

my question is more to do with the deposit I have taken on the current AST thats about to expire that's held in the DPS. If I were to issue a new AST can the old deposit be transferred over?


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HI again CH1,

Whether you go periodic is up to you. Until I am totally sure ( well sure as you can be!) of a tenant I don't. I issue 2 copies of a one page 'Addendum to the Agreement' saying that we both agree to the terms of the AST for another 6 months and put in the dates. Both sign and leave one with tenant. I got this idea off a big London letting agent a few years back.

Either way unless I were to change the deposit holder I would not go there.

I always put a note on the AST saying that a deposit of £XXX is held under ID ??? with the DPS. This puts the tenant's mind at rest as to what happend to their deposit - which is the thing they worry about most I find.



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