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Buildings insurance policy document request from freeholder


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I own a leasehold property which i rent out. I pay the ground rent and buildings insurance direct to the freeholder company (as opposed to the service charge which i pay to the management company). I have requested a copy of the buildings insurance policy from the freeholder, quoting S30 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985 and giving them 21 days to provide me with it. I followed it up a month later by email, with a further request. This was over a week ago and they still have not acknowledged my emails.

Does anybody know what action I can take if they refuse to comply?

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You can take them to court under the Section 30 to make them comply but this takes loads of time - and some money.

Does no one at the management company have these details on hand? I am secretary of a management company and organise the insurance on a block of flats but prior to that I did have details of the buildings insurers.

I'm guessing that they are charging you loads for insurance - that's if they are actually insuring the building when you could get a cheaper quote and that is why they do not want you to see the policy.

There is supposed to be legislation coming in to prevent this sort of abuse.

Not very helpful really but good luck.


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