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face book


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Hi, I have a portfolio of student properties, recently the tenants have set up a forum on face book called 'how good is your landlord'. Initially there was a flurry of activity on this site with some pretty unsavoury comments on a few of the landlords and properties in the area. Most of them were pretty pointed and some were even slanderous, the tenants are young university students who can say what they like using abusive language.

I quietly welcomed the site as I was one of only two landlords listed as top notch, so I guess it could not do any harm as I welcome any constructive comments. There have recently been a few unhelpful and unjustified comments from previos tenants who obviously had a grudge. There appears to be no right to reply and could be very damaging to the business if left unchallenged.

I know of two landlords who took the comments as offensive and have taken legal advice. In response, the site has gone 'underground' and it appears anyone wishing to join has to be vetted.

Does any one have any experience with face book and how can I get in to see what is being said in the shadows of the interent?



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You are not alone with this issue as people have started to include restrictions on customers as to what they can say during or after the agreement. There was a report on a similar situation today and I have also read someones blog where they are getting sued for allowing an unpleasant comment. I think that you should contact the site and ask them to refrain from mentioning your name/company at all on the site. If you are still concerned see how far you can prevent the site from referring to you at all.

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