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Newbie Landlord


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Hi All -

My tenant put her notice in last month due to her purchasing a new house. Her moving out date is 20th March. She phoned me last night and her house has fallen through so she has asked if she can rent the flat on a 3 month rolling contract.

I am more that happy to do this as she is a good tenant, however, I am not prepared to pay the letting agent for another contract and finders fee.

Is there a contract etc that I can download or use. Or can someone point me in the correct direction as to what to do.

I appreciate your help in advance


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Hi Kris,

The simplest thing to do is ask your tenant to write you a letter and copying it to the agent withdrawing her notice because she is staying - don't let her go into the amount of time. The tenancy then becomes periodic because she never actually left and she carries on paying her rent as before on the same agreement until she decides to move on and 8 weeks notice is applicable again.

The agent will want to charge another 6 months commission but that should be all.


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Hi W2D and Kris,

I can't see the logic in that as Kris will still have to pay his agent commission as they introduced the tenant in the first place and there is no getting out of it.

There is usually a clause in the tenancy agreement saying that even if the tenant leaves (and in this case she is not going) a commission is due if the tenant begins a new agreement in the future with the same landlord.


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Hi All -

Sorry for the delay in responding. Many thanks for all your help. I have asked the tenant to put her notice in with the letting agents. The letting agents have now contacted me and asked whether I require a new tenant. I told them no and will contact them when and if I require it.

In the meantime I have contacted the tenant and told her that she is now to go directly through me. I have printed off tenancy agreement and inventory - I am going to see her on Wednesday to check that the place is clean and in order. I will there get contracts, signed and do the inventory.

With regards to payments, I am charging her £925 per month for the rent. I presume that I take £925 for the month and then a deposit. Is that correct?

Many Thanks in advance, once again


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Hi Kris,

I hate to say this but you are about to commit a fraudulent act against your letting agent.

Check your copy of your agreement with them and I am sure it will mention not letting to the same tenant now or at another time once introduced to you by the agency without their knowledge. If they find out they could take legal action against you.

Where is your tenant's current deposit - the one taken by the letting agent in the beginning?


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