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rent problem


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ill briefly describe whats happening,

ive done everything by the book regarding my tenant vacating my property on the 24th Feb 09'.Basically i am still chasing him for his last month of rent,should have been paid to me on 25th Jan 09' making him up to date on his payments.His deposit is with the DPS and will be returned to him once i am satisfied the property has been well maintained for the last year.He seems to think that i can keep his deposit as his last month rental payment and i have explained to him i cannot do that.I have sent him two 'rent overdue' letters now to date since the 25th Jan chasing him for the rent.He is moving out in nine days time and i think he has no intention of paying me.Does anyone have a copy of a letter i can give him saying i am going to take legal proceedings out on him?I could draught one out myself but i want it worded correctly in case i put something in the letter i shouldnt,

any help would be greatly appreciated



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This happens a lot that is why a lot of L/L take bigger deposits now. If he moves out and property is left in good condition it wont be a problem, suspect it wont be so try to find out where he is moving to, place of work etc to maybe do a mcol at a later date. I dont think he will take any notice of any letters you send.

Do you have a guarantor???

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thanks for the quick reply speedtwin,

There is no guarantor so can go down that avenue.The letting agent who recently went to the property to show the new tenants about commented saying its in good shape.I know the tenant has put a pond in the garden and this needs removing as i dont like the idea of them and kiddies playing near them etc.This will cost me to put right where he has dug up the border of the garden.Hopefully he will remove his rubbish from down the side of the house before he goes otherwise i will have to do it at my cost,ive not mentioned in any letters about court proceedings as yet and am thinking maybe just one more letter will make him think again,ive tried ringing the guy but he says im 'hassling him' so i avoid using the phone


btw, what is an MCOL?

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There is nothing you have to be bothered about, in writing a letter.

Send him the details of the DPS scheme, explain why you cannot and will not be taking his rent from the deposit, and in PLAIN and SIMPLE terms explain what you intemd to do regarding taking him to court.

He has obviously been burnt and this is the reason for his actions. I assume you must have some details of his regarding employer and such like (from references taken)

BUT let there be no doubt in the letter your course of action and the reasons for it, and explain the costs he will incur, and that judgement WILL BE MADE AGAINST HIM, because you will not have stopped the money from the deposit.

The answer is live by the sword die by the sword, you are doing everything right and so should he. You have to follow the rules and so does he, the deposit scheme was brought in to protect tenants as well as landlords.

I would agree with the previous reply, based on my years of experience, the property is unlikely to be left clean.

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There is nothing you have to be bothered about, in writing a letter.

Send him the details of the DPS scheme, explain why you cannot and will not be taking his rent from the deposit, and in PLAIN and SIMPLE terms explain what you intemd to do regarding taking him to court.

He has obviously been burnt and this is the reason for his actions. I assume you must have some details of his regarding employer and such like (from references taken)

BUT let there be no doubt in the letter your course of action and the reasons for it, and explain the costs he will incur, and that judgement WILL BE MADE AGAINST HIM, because you will not have stopped the money from the deposit.

The answer is live by the sword die by the sword, you are doing everything right and so should he. You have to follow the rules and so does he, the deposit scheme was brought in to protect tenants as well as landlords.

I would agree with the previous reply, based on my years of experience, the property is unlikely to be left clean.

thanks for your replys,ill let you know how i get on


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