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Have you asked the Courts for an explanation? One assumes you will have lots of information regarding the case so they should be able to do a paper trail.

Also there are now agencies out there do a NO trace NO fee means of getting someone. However in my experience dig deep before you throw to much money at the recovery, until you are certain you can get a result.

You cant get blood out of a stone.

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This is a big debt! Do you know where this person works? If you do that could be a starting point or do you know anything about his life/relatives at all?

I have contacted mothers in the past and got money out of them but not as much as you are owed

I have used a few of these 'no trace no fee' people but it seems that if a bod does not want to be found they won't be - for a while anyway but if they are residing in the UK they can't keep it up forever. Keep trying at intervals maybe?

I take it this person was British?

Good Luck


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This is a big debt! Do you know where this person works? If you do that could be a starting point or do you know anything about his life/relatives at all?

I have contacted mothers in the past and got money out of them but not as much as you are owed

I have used a few of these 'no trace no fee' people but it seems that if a bod does not want to be found they won't be - for a while anyway but if they are residing in the UK they can't keep it up forever. Keep trying at intervals maybe?

I take it this person was British?

Good Luck



i have managed to trace him at the new place and they are both working and have 2 cars.

I applied to the court for warrant and as the amount is over £5000 the count court bailiffs do not want attend.how can i rgister the debt as he could out there trying to con another landlord'

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Hi Same,

Well I would go for getting in a debt collector. You have an adress, they have assets in the cars (if not on HP) and must have had cash to get into another place.

You will probably find that in your tenancy agreement with them recover of rent is catered for so this will be added to the debt. Loads of DC's in Yellow pages.

This might not be for everyone but I have joined a large DC company based in Liverpool with the initials D S (search on Google) and for a 1 off lifetime payment of about £600 you can ask them to recover any amount of debts and they put their charges on top. I even get them to send letters to late payers and it works a treat. You get your own case manager and they are very helpful. For this large debt is sounds ideal.

Hope this helps.


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