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Electroral Registration people


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I (and apparently other landlords in the Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirling area) have received a letter from the Electoral Registration Officer demanding (not asking!) for details on property that I own and the names, nationalities and previous addresses of all my tenants. Furthermore, he is demanding that I send him this info (plus forwarding addresses) every time a tenant changes.

He's demanding this information under section 23 of the Representation of the Peoples Act (which pretty much says he can demand anyone tell him anything in pursuit of his duties). I've written a fairly strong "get lost" letter to him, but he's persisting. I plan to write a stronger letter, but wondered if anyone else had experience of this. The thing is, we already provide all this info to the council and there's already way too much red tape. I can't help feeling this could be the thin end of the wedge, so I'm going to resist as much as possible.

So - who's got one of these letters? What are you planning to do about it?

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