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No tennancy agreement - Council Tax issues


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Have a 3 bed which is usually let on a joint tennancy basis. The group split over the last few months and I got someone in short term but without a tennancy agreement. I know this was a bad idea anyway the council want to see his tennancy agreement. Am I legally obliged to provide one and if I don't would there be any fines or council tax for me to pay as a result.

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I usually phone the Council Tax office to advise of tenants move-in dates and found only in last 6 months do they seem to ask you if you can send a copy of tenancy agreement. However, it does depend on who you get through to. In my experience they do not follow it through and I don't think its a legal requirement for you to give them one -it just backs up their paperwork if there were any disputes I guess.

I've never sent a tenancy agreement to Council Tax even when they asked, theres been no disputes so everything is n order and they have no time to go through chasing more bits of paper if account is up to date and paid up.

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Whilst i am unaware of any legal requirement to show an agreement, you failure to, means you will be liable for the community charge.

The only bench mark they have is a document to say otherwise (i.e tenancy agreement)

I just to let you know there is no cut of point in council tax i.e if they choose to chase you for 30 quid they will, they do not have a lower cut of point.

The information is provided based on many an hour on the phone to communicate with L/a over such issues.

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