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Property owner's spouse


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Hi, I am not registered as the co-owner of my husband's property which we are going to rent. My husband is out of the country and I need to organise all the documents for the new tenants. Am I legally entailed to call myself the landlord and sign the documents? I could not find any information on the net about this. Thanks for any response.

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I think you could just do it! As long as the tenant can accept the authority of a letter from your husband allowing you to sign on his behalf I would have thought that might be acceptable.

Now wait while the lawyers and letting agents on this site come down on me like a ton of bricks!! Is anyone there?

You should get a solicitor's advice. You might need a Power of Attorney or something similar.

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How long is your husband out of the country for.

One assumes you not being also technically an owener of the property is a mere formality, or as it used to be done years ago.

Lots of agents sign on behalf of an absentee landlord.

I would suggest you just sign.........it ...............i.e jane doe signed on behalf of John doe landlord

That should suffice.

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Hi there,

My partner is a seafarer and I act for him as landlord's agent all the time. We have no written agreement but I do now have Power of Attorney to access his bank account etc. You will need to go to a slolicitor with your husband to get this done.

I have manged his 2 properties for the last 8 years on this basis and before that without Power of Attorney with no questions from anyone. I even bill him for my time and this is taken into consideration by the Inland Revenue.

Good luck,


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Hi Fairgrace

Do remember that if the landlord is going to live abroad. that the agent (or if no agent, the tenant) is required to withold tax, unless you have made the correct applications to HMRC and they have been accepted (they generally are, if tax affairs are up to date). In addition, you and your partner may have to fill in additional forms to inform HMRC that you are leaving the UK.

Have a look at the non resident section of HMRC's website. If you would like advice, or assistance with preparing the appropriate documentation, please email me and I would be happy to provide a quote.



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