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Keeping deposit for damage


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Hi all, my 2 bed flat has been rented out for 14 months or so, and I'm now debating how much deposit to return.

Main issues are:

1. Carpets - they are a few years old but are good quality, had been cleaned and were quite serviceable. They now have stains and bleach marks on them, carpet cleaner chap said not worth trying to clean.

- New, reasonable quality carpets to replace the badly stained ones will be approx £750 (I did a search and read about the 10-20% p.a. depreciation for carpets but don't consider mine to have been worthless!)

2. Mould - heating was on very high (27 deg by the look of the thermostat!) and windows were not opened, so was a nasty black mould on walls / ceilings / tiles / grout etc etc (no issues at all with previous tenants)

- a good few hours to scrape, scrub, paint, re-grout etc etc

3. Cleanliness - whole place now needs a very good clean...they had a quick go the night before leaving but still rather grimy in places.

- Professional clean would be approx £150-£200 I'm told (will probably do myself)

There were numerous other bits and pieces, but I'll leave them off.

Whilst I realise that there will be wear and tear I do not consider the above to be acceptable, but want to be fair, so what is reasonable?

Deposit held is £700.

Opinions appreciated!

Thanks, Dan

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I think your basic approach is right, namely, to be reasonable.

For what its worth, if you can prove that they have damaged the carpets beyond fair wear and tear, then a deduction for this is definitely reasonable, but will need to take account of depreciation in valuing the carpet - as you would any other damaged item. So far as I am aware, there is no hard and fast rule on this issue; how long a carpet lasts will depend upon its quality and how well it is treated. The key question is really how much longer it would have lasted.

Am a bit dubious about the mould thing. It might be difficult for you to prove that this was the tenants responsibility. Having said this, cleaning around baths and showers is definitely a reasonable expectation and if tenants have allowed mould or mildew to build up in areas which are by their nature very damp then some time for cleaning this off would be justified.

And as for a general clean, I agree with you, if the place is dirty you are entitled to have it cleaned. As always, you will need evidence to get this past whichever desposit protection service you are with.

Anyway, good luck


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Was there an inventory?

The last time I had a change of T I went round with a video along with the usual list of items stating the general condition, which they signed in agreement.

I would ask them what they think, to be honest I would expect to clean they'll never do it the way you want it done for a new T anyway.

As regards the carpets well that's a difficult one but maybe it's time to put down laminate flooring.



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