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Cavity Wall And Loft Insulation Grants


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Hi all,

I know that this post may appear as a shameless plug to some but from past experience there are a lot of Landlords (and tenants for that matter) who are unaware of the various home insulation schemes and initiatives available to them.

I've read through a number of posts on this site and others and just thought I'd raise a couple of points that may be of benefit.

Cavity Wall Insulation and Loft Insulation are the most common and effective types of domestic insulation; with typical savings of up to 30-35% on energy bills.

Having these measures installed in a home will help towards meeting energy efficiency requirements for HIPs, EPCs etc.as most new mortgage applications these days have a requirement for insulation works to be carried out (this is usually a good negotiation point so is typically at the sellers expense!!).

All of the main power generating companies and most local authorities are under obligation to the government to insulate a certain amount of domestic properties per annum.

To do this they make funding available to various companies and organsiations up and down the country.

These companies and organisations distribute their allocation in various ways:

Local councils - Funding is allocated to insulate council property stock in bulk and is usually managed by a local insulation company. The council is usually asked to part fund schemes such as these.

Charitable organisations - Organisations such as Help the Aged and Age Concern work in partnership with the power generating companies and promote energy efficiency measures to "vulnerable" groups such as pensioners etc.

Insulation companies - Leads generated from advertising are allocated to private insulation companies by the power generating companies. Price reductions and special offers are given to private homeowners to encourage them to have their homes insulated.

Homeowners in receipt of certain means-tested benefits qualify for insulation measures free of charge.

These schemes and offers are also open to private tenants - if a tenant is in receipt of Housing Benefit or is over 70 years old for instance, then they can have their home insulated at no cost to either themselves or the Landlord.

The list of qualifying benefits are:

Attendance Allowance

Income Support

Council Tax Benefit (single person's discount does not qualify)

Disability Living Allowance

Disabled Persons Tax Credit

Housing Benefit

Child Tax Credit (combined income must be under £15,592)

Working Tax Credit (combined income must be under £15,592)

Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit *

Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance

War Disablement Pension **

Pension Credit (state pension only does not qualify)

* Must also be in receipt of Constant Attendance Allowance

** Must include Mobility Supplement or Constant Attendance Allowance

Anyone aged 70 or above is entitled to a Cavity Wall Insulation Grant or Loft Insulation Grant that will cover the entire cost of any insulation

work. However, if you are a pensioner aged under 70, you will not receive a 100% grant unless you receive a benefit as listed above.

I work as a surveyor within the insulation industry in the NorthWest (based in Manchester) and typically work with Landlords/Letting Agencies with stock lists ranging from 1 or 2 properties to hundreds/thousands on a daily basis. At the landlord's request I visit each property and assess it's suitability for insulation. If the tenant is in receipt of a qualifying benefit it is typical to process the grant application using their benefit details etc. but if not I have access to various part funded grants which help to keep costs to an absolute minimum for the Landlord.

Grants are available both locally and nationally and your local council and energy advice centre are always available for advice on these matters but if you would like more information on any of the items I have touched on above from myself then please drop me a P.M.


Nick (www.insulate-it.co.uk)

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