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what do you think of tenant performance bonds


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From both the landlord and tenant point of view?

I had a prospective tenant who was keen on the property. Single mature woman, self employed. The vetting agents passed her credit check and so on then advised me to get her checked for this tenants performance bond. She kept her own accounts and has now pulled out of the property because she claims that the vetting was too intrusive and breached her confidentiality. I gather there was a bit of an argument between the two of them when he called her a liar, saying that her own accounts were not proof of income and she could have just made them up. He wanted to see her tax return and bank statements which she refused to supply. This woman was really nice and had a 28 year history of prompt rent payment and I feel like I have lost an excellent tenant because of over-zealous vetting.

What do you all think I should do about this?

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Well I'd never heard of it either before now. It seems to be a form of insurance where the tenant pays and the landlord is covered for non payment of rent and damage to the property. If there's a claim then the insurance recovers their money from the tenant. That's how I understand it.

This lady was very unhappy about the way the guy from the vetting company spoke to her. Apparently he virtually accused her of being a liar, saying that she could be making up her accounts to look good for landlords.

I'm new to this game and I'm not clear on what is required in terms of checking on tenants but I'm sure that this is not right.

I'm now planning on finding a different lettings agency or dealing with tenants myself in future.

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They all look good when you take them on, it's only when they're ithe trouble can occur and that's why proper referencing is needed.

It sounds a bit like sour grapes to me, trying to read between the lines I think the agent has done an excellent job with your interest at heart. You have of course the final say, you could tell the letting agent that you are more than happy to take this T on...



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