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Relocating- should i switch to Let Mortgage??


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Hello There

Please can some give me advice on my situation ( or direct me to where I can get some guidance)

I have recently bought a lease hold maissonte flat on a tracker mortgage nearlondon and am commuting to work from here , My company is now relocating me to bristol for a short term ( 6 months to 1 year)

The only option left to me is let the flat and find a place to rent in Bristol

Please can you let me know

(i) If i need to switch my mortgage to buy to let .

(ii) If i need to switch my insurance since the property will now be rented

Kind Regards


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Hi to you,

Yes to both. You will need to tell your lender. They may or may not want you to alter your mortgage - down to them really. And you will need extra insurance as there is an added risk with letting.

There are some links on this site and elsewhere on the net to landlord insurance. Your lender will want to see this new insurance as well I should think.

Best of luck,


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