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Tenants not paying rent.


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I employed a Letting Agent to find me some tenants which they did very quickly and efficiently. They took their introductory fee in the shape of the first month and a half's rent which the tenants paid on time. Since then they have either been late with their rent or have paid some or none of it. As I have never had a complete, on time payment from them, I would think that the agent has not done his job and should find me someone new. Is this the case or am I back to square 1 and going to have to pay a second introduction fee or find someone myself?

I would welcome some advice.

Thank you!

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Hi Rebecca,

What is said about tenant replacement in your agreement with your Agent? Read it -even the small print. Ask them to provide an account in writing as to what has gone wrong and go the their office if necessary. Is it a one of agent or part of a group and how long has this been going on?

I'm sure you'll get loads more posts but more info is needed at the moment.


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1st month AND a halfs rent??

God that is so expensive.

I'm guessing you asked for a find tenant only contract so really this is down to you rather than asking the LA for compensation.

Saying this you should have been specific with the agent at the offset as to what you expected / what they would deliver on these terms.

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