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EPC Do you need one ?

Simon Dewsberry

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Hi All

All LL would be well advised to read this start to finish ......£200 per "dwelling" fine for no compliance ...

Very interesting to note that hmo... let on a room by room basis... or any other "room" only basis DOES NOT REQUIRE an EPC

Also sub let props ...ie to council etc .put onus on sub-leaseholder

So a lot of props will drop thru the net !!

Dont go wasting cash on one of you dont need one !!

The Rodent

Edit : apologies forgot to put the link in !! here it is :

http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/pl.../pdf/866773.pdf see p16


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We're all clear EPC's come into effect 1 October but whats not clear is which properties need them and how you go about getting one done or the costs involved??

The room by Room basis would need some clarification as my intention is to let on a room-by-room but have all tenants on a joint tenancy i.e one AST. As if they have separate individual AST's I was told I am liable to pay council tax therefore one AST -is that still room by room or not?

Also what factors would enhance the energy rating -loft insulation -does anyone know whether you can get this free? I enquired with my council who said it was free for the area I stated then when asked if I lived there -they said its only free to owner-occupiers not landlords?!

I had some double glazing done and installed energy effeicient light bulbs but is there any other help available to landlords?

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Also more for LA and LL with a sizeable portfolio check this out !!

Sampling and Multiple Certification under which EPCs for a group of properties are

produced following a survey of a sample, where it can be shown that the dwellings are

similar enough to make this approach valid.............

which clearly will have a positive impact on DEA's time and costs ....bringing price to LL DOWN and considerably so..............IMHO

Our target fig was £30 per prop but in the light if this ...i am now reconsidering my position !!

Suggest everyone locks in with other local LL b4 approaching DEA ...my little "posy" has grown to around 200 props so far

If you are in a strong rental area ...well worth getting the whole street done on the system below ...if possible ....


The Rodent

Ps Chris the Dragon DEA ...hope you are reading this and sharpening your pencil or looking a bit harder fot the discount button on your calculator ..........LOL !!!!!!!!!!

The Rodent

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Just surprises me that you haven't charged the Tenants for this! :(

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Well as it happens i have revised my set up fee ....upto £95 to cover this and a few "other" costs ..........

Fantastic value for money ....compare it with any LA set up fee in the uk ......i'm confident i will be cheaper 100% of the time

if not then i have a price promise ...

To match the LA fee and discount by a further 10% should T find cheaper ............

What the government insists the T must have the T will pay for ................as a T i would be very annoyed at the extra costs government is heaping onto tenants !!!!!!!!!!lol

The Rodent

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£100 set up fee for my tenants which I would bet is cheaper than any other agent.

I wonder what your 'other' costs are?

We charge £100 per Tenant (if lone tenancy) and then £150 for 2, 3 or 4 Tenants with nothing extra at all.

No charge to deposit their bond and there will certainly be no charge for the EPC, that's just ridiculous!!!!

Copied from the official government site :-

"So you will only need a certificate if you are:

a homeowner – all sellers of homes need to ensure that they provide a Home Information Pack which includes an EPC for potential buyers

a builder – an EPC needs to be provided to buyers of newly built properties from 6 April 2008

a landlord – you will need to provide an EPC which will be valid for ten years, to prospective tenants, the first time you let or re-let your property after 1 October 2008"

You see?? Nothing in here that says the tenant NEEDS a certificate!!!!

I thought the saying around these parts was "as tight as a duck's a**e"?

I'm gonna change it to " As tight as a Rats a**e"

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"you " need to provide an epc to the TENANT ...............

other costs ...

95 ......

80.85...after vat man has had his share

30 deposit protection (yes my choice and can be free if custodial but prefer to keep dep in my control)

25 referencing

leaves £25

to cover time to sort out ast, inventory, contact utilities, protect dep, check in and check out t, also inspections etc

So extremely good value and heavily subsidised by me

The Rodent

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"you " need to provide an epc to the TENANT ...............

So WHO you reckon will get the sharp end of the stick if you DON'T then??

The Tenant?? I feel NOT!!!!!

Heavily subsidised by you?

I guess you are talking of your time here and that's subjective.

I 'll bet I spend more time than you on referencing, inventory, check in, check out etc

Plus there's no hidden costs like renewing deposits after 6 months and no charges for renewing the AST's so surely my £100 is cheaper!!!!

Price promise??

Hope they call me first cos I'll tell them . .. . .

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Simon

yes im sharpening the pencil.. not to reduce fees but to increase them .... i need to live too !!!! lol

i have a website now www.cardiffenergyperformance.co.uk

the days of cheap epcs are now over as CLG have outlawed the use of data collectors except for social landlords ie councils and housing associations..... and then the data collector must work directly for them ( not a contractor).

so you got in at the right time m8

will call in and catch up soon


ps if a prospective tenant requests to see the epc for a property you have the obligation to provide it free of charge to the tenant.

CLG are now advertising on REAL RADIO telling tenants about the epc and that landlords must provide epcs to them !!!

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