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County Court rent recovery


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Hi all,

Tenant left owing £2800 rent aside from his deposit which I kept so I set county court action in place to recover the owing, eventually got a result as he did not contest and I applied for the judgement. So far so good.

Yesterday after an 8 week wait got letter saying 'this is a liqidated claim' and to use form N225 which they enclosed. I've tried ringing the court and they will not give advice and vague woman suggested it was a high court action.

Does this mean he is filing for liqidation or bankcrupcy? What is the difference? The form asks how I would like to be paid ? e.g. in one lump or installments and to calculate the interest and add any costs. Will I see any of the rent if I go through will all this mumbo jumbo or is it a pointless exercise?

Anyone done any of this before? By the way I don't know exactly where he is living now but still in the area I suspect.


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I too have a CCJ against an ex-tenant of some years back who vacated, disappeared ......and still owes money.

What value was the CCJ I asked? Apart from legal satisfaction, very little.

The advice from contributors to this forum was to leave it in the past and get on with the letting business.

Had I spent more money and time pursuing the issue, even if successful I would have become a nervous wreck waiting (in vain?) for the repayment envelope (with a few quid?) to come through the door each week.

I don't know about a "liquidated claim". But it seems the easy way out for the tenant is to be declared bankrupt, as it's only for a few months.....

Put it down to business experience, move on, and forget.

(...... Now I wish I hadn't read this one...!!)

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1.Fill it in and sent it back ......NO claim ...No gain

2. NEXT time ...put a Debt collector onto T IMMEDIATELY that sit gets out of control (search this forum for loads of advice on DC)

3. Instruct DC as well as court forms

4.Run a tighter ship (see above) this needs to be attended to long b4 figs get anywhere near thousands !!!

The Rodent

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Thanks for that Rodent and Chestnut,

I agree that for the amount of hassle is it worth it ?- well yes it is and I should be more forthright.

I thought I acted pretty quick and that sum represented about 9 weeks rent - the flat is in London. The courts are horrendously slow and seem to side with the tenant. Eventually I got the tenant out with a section 21 and he is now trying to do me for harrassment. (see my earlier question over 'access for gas safety check'. He may well succeed as I am waiting for the CPS to decide.

Have never used a debt collector before but will check it out - thanks.

Yesterday I went to my local court (Bournemouth) and asked for an interpretation of the 'liquidated claim' - a very nice man told me it is old fashioned speak for a claim that has has been given a judgement so I have filled in form and chucked it back.


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