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Problems with out going tenants and previous landlord


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As mentioned recently on here I bought a tenanted student property recently that came with no Inventory. The T's have almost left (well should have done so a day ago).

How do I ascertain the condition of property at start? There is one leg broken off a bed, part of back of wardrobe is hanging off and so far the property has not been cleaned and the oven is absolutely filthy. I have addressed these issues with T's who inform me that when they arrived one of them didn't even had a bed to sleep on and it took ex landlord a week to deliver him one that required self-assembly –my guess is it wasn't assembled correctly and it broke. Regards the oven they tell me it was like that when they moved in and that they had to get industrial cleaners in to clean it and they are not prepared to pay twice. However, if it were cleaned once I would expect it to be left in an almost clean state.

Second problem is I have been trying to recover a months rent from previous landlord as T's accidentally paid them for almost 8 weeks now (who also happen to be LA's)

What can I do to get rent back ASAP they seem to ignore all correspondence (even solicitors letters) or delay the matter simply informing me XYZ who deals with matter is away till xxx day etc.

Lastly, the property was let on a joint tenancy on a room-by-room basis –so far I have not had keys back from any of T's although they have moved out. One informed me that key was given to a friend to return. The other T was supposed to move out and clean property by yesterday end of contract –but was delayed – s/he did move out but had not cleaned property or left keys yet. 3rd T who left has no forwarding address or no sign of keys. Any advice.

The place needs through cleaning I doubt the single T left can do it all by themselves. I did a property inspection a week prior to their departure and clearly highlighted any issues that required attention and left instructions about leaving keys and property clean, so far none seem to have adhered to this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am still stuck with previous landlords/LA's not forwarding me this rent for 2 months -have phoned, written numerous times, including solicitor letters all get ignored. I only received one letter from them after 7 weeks stating they would forward rent minus their fee?! (when Its my property which i manage!)

Any idea what I can do toget my money/rent?? LL/LA owes me over £700.

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I am still stuck with previous landlords/LA's not forwarding me this rent for 2 months -have phoned, written numerous times, including solicitor letters all get ignored. I only received one letter from them after 7 weeks stating they would forward rent minus their fee?! (when Its my property which i manage!)

Any idea what I can do toget my money/rent?? LL/LA owes me over £700.

Go there and as if it is not too far and demand money back.

Isuue County Court summons.

Get debt collector in (thanks to Rodent I am about to try this)

Surely the stuff about broken bed leg and locks are not worth the hassle? Just replace and re-let.


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ch1, you need to get hold of this really quickly before it escalates.

On your first point I'd be checking with the LA that moved these tenants in. They should have done an inventory, if they haven't and they said they would then breach of contract, so any losses you can go to them for.

2nd point to this, get receipts from Tenants re the oven cleaning, and also refer to the LA inventory if you have one. (see above)

2ND Problem

Threaten DC, this usually works so be firm but fair. Tell them you've taken advice and if you don't get this money within 7 days your DC will be springing into action. They've received money that wasn't due to them so they should pass it over.

They have no claim on a %age of this money if you clearly employed them on a let only basis so again say you will be instructing the DC to be collecting this also.


I'd be tempted to go with Mortitia's response and change locks and relet, it could be more hassle chasing these tenants than it's worth so cut your losses and make sure you put good new tenants in their place.

At the end of the day if you take over T's you can't ever guarantee what they are going to turn into, if they are your own then you have no one else to blame!!!

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ch1, you need to get hold of this really quickly before it escalates.

On your first point I'd be checking with the LA that moved these tenants in. They should have done an inventory, if they haven't and they said they would then breach of contract, so any losses you can go to them for.

2nd point to this, get receipts from Tenants re the oven cleaning, and also refer to the LA inventory if you have one. (see above)

2ND Problem

Threaten DC, this usually works so be firm but fair. Tell them you've taken advice and if you don't get this money within 7 days your DC will be springing into action. They've received money that wasn't due to them so they should pass it over.

They have no claim on a %age of this money if you clearly employed them on a let only basis so again say you will be instructing the DC to be collecting this also.


I'd be tempted to go with Mortitia's response and change locks and relet, it could be more hassle chasing these tenants than it's worth so cut your losses and make sure you put good new tenants in their place.

At the end of the day if you take over T's you can't ever guarantee what they are going to turn into, if they are your own then you have no one else to blame!!!

1.If oven really bad skip it and buy a new one/second hand/ebay/classifieds (£100)

2.as above ....with LA/LL to pick up DC expeneses (15%) plus interest ...ut them on notice (see previous threads)would expect to cover all of it .......Personally a would make a few harsh calls to LA followed by a "sit in" visit )inside or outside their office ...and very loudly informing any existing or would be clients of the LA "problems" ...my bet is you will get paid pretty quick ....?? try it ..!!

3.re beds/robe etc ...swallow for it, repair and move on ...locks ..you only need to change front door NOT all rooms ...just get a new barrel (B&Q) keep old one & keys (to swop if sit ever arises again ) .......(£10-£30)

Write the rest off as a bad experience relet and move on


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  • 2 weeks later...
Go there and as if it is not too far and demand money back.

Isuue County Court summons.

Get debt collector in (thanks to Rodent I am about to try this)

Surely the stuff about broken bed leg and locks are not worth the hassle? Just replace and re-let.


Thanks for yor reply.

I will go there in person as recent phone calls or faxes just get ignored.

Regards County Court summons or debt collector - I will decide which route to go down -it's been 3 months though the sums involved are less than 1K.

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ch1, you need to get hold of this really quickly before it escalates.

On your first point I'd be checking with the LA that moved these tenants in. They should have done an inventory, if they haven't and they said they would then breach of contract, so any losses you can go to them for.

2nd point to this, get receipts from Tenants re the oven cleaning, and also refer to the LA inventory if you have one. (see above)

2ND Problem

Threaten DC, this usually works so be firm but fair. Tell them you've taken advice and if you don't get this money within 7 days your DC will be springing into action. They've received money that wasn't due to them so they should pass it over.

They have no claim on a %age of this money if you clearly employed them on a let only basis so again say you will be instructing the DC to be collecting this also.


I'd be tempted to go with Mortitia's response and change locks and relet, it could be more hassle chasing these tenants than it's worth so cut your losses and make sure you put good new tenants in their place.

At the end of the day if you take over T's you can't ever guarantee what they are going to turn into, if they are your own then you have no one else to blame!!!

1st Problem -there appears to be no Inventory done upon check-in of tenants -they only sent one that was done mid-way through tenancy that pretty much puts property in poor condition. Oven and fridge was left in appalling condition -oven I'm getting professionally cleaned at a cost of around £50.

2nd Problem -

Thanks will looks into DC route

3rd Problem- ok I've sorted.

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1.If oven really bad skip it and buy a new one/second hand/ebay/classifieds (£100)

2.as above ....with LA/LL to pick up DC expeneses (15%) plus interest ...ut them on notice (see previous threads)would expect to cover all of it .......Personally a would make a few harsh calls to LA followed by a "sit in" visit )inside or outside their office ...and very loudly informing any existing or would be clients of the LA "problems" ...my bet is you will get paid pretty quick ....?? try it ..!!

3.re beds/robe etc ...swallow for it, repair and move on ...locks ..you only need to change front door NOT all rooms ...just get a new barrel (B&Q) keep old one & keys (to swop if sit ever arises again ) .......(£10-£30)

Write the rest off as a bad experience relet and move on


Thanks Rodent.

I will seek your advice on DC and costs involved.

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