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Tenant taking legal action over deposit


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I had a tenant on a 12mth Ast.At the end of the agreement the tenant moved out the property as agreed.I inspected the property and found almost every wall in the house had either been drawn on by a child or heavily marked.Also shelves had been removed(no permission was given to put them up) leaving holes around the property.The cushioned flooring in the kitchen was ripped also.I obtained estimates and held back held back £75 for flooring and £195 for making right the walls.

I have since received a solicitors letter stating i should return the full deposit plus £50 for loft flooring,£70 for garden fencing and £133 for a BT line to be installed.No permission was given for any of these items.Could you please advise on what action i should take.Thanks

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Haha ! nice one ...

Personally i would point out exactly what you have just stated ....NO PERMISSION GIVEN ......

I also think that £75 is VERY cheap to have kitchen floor uplifted and replaced (even with wear and tear taken into consideration...depending on how old flooring was)

Drawing on walls is wholly unacceptable ...i recently had exactly the same situation with nearly every wall AND nearly every oiece of furniture drawn on wardrobes chests beds etc ....T was on a mission expecting my to accept this as normal wear and tear.......I think NOT ...... i billed him £500 for repalcement items, cleaning and redec ....

£195 is also cheap to sort this problem out if on nearly every wall...?

Is bond protected ? have you got inventory ?

I would return monies less disputed amount outlining the above and follow dep proc if protected

Dont be frightened by fact letter is sent by a solicitor ...there are proper proceedures i place to deal with this.

The Rodent

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I would hae done exactly the same .....do you have invoices for works done ? if so write 1 more letter confirming your position and enc copies of inv also stating you consider the matter closed.

If Any further comms from them ...seek professional legal advice ...which i suspect will be "see you in court"

The Rodent

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