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Possession order granted by court..what now?


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First posting so apologies in advance if any breach in etiquette.

Rented my property via letting agent ona 6 month AST. Had problems from day 1 with the tenants rent payments (none paid, partially paid, late etc etc). Section 21 served in November to get tenants out at end of tenancy (end Jan 2008). Eventually, today the Court has granted possession and costs of action to us as landlords. However, useless agent seems unable to advise as to next steps.....can't even tell us if Court has given 14 or 28 days to vacate, so will await written confirmation from court.

However, my view is that we need to be preparing for bailiff action asap (legally) as these tenants will simply sit tight. Agent appears unaware as to whether we need to return to court to instruct bailiffs or whether we as landlords (or him as agent!!!!) can set the wheels in motion now...Can anyone please advise as nearing our wits end...

This isn't a business for us, we were offered a rent free, very large property in a lovely area by a friend and chose to let our home to cover our mortgage (yes, swapped to BTL so all above board), and employed agent to avoid these type of issues...needless to say, said agent will not be paid nor retained once these tenants are removed..

Thanks in advance

Harry and Keogh lol

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Your useless agent isn't there to advise you on the actions and workings of court proceedings, which is outside of their management responsibilities. Good agents may never have had to go to court for re-posession proceedings so may be no more qualified to advise on this than they are to give tax advice. However, the court order and HMCS website should give guidance. Courts will give a date for possession and if not provided is the time to get bailiffs involved. Having said this, were your tenants referenced properly in the first place?

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First posting so apologies in advance if any breach in etiquette.

Rented my property via letting agent ona 6 month AST. Had problems from day 1 with the tenants rent payments (none paid, partially paid, late etc etc). Section 21 served in November to get tenants out at end of tenancy (end Jan 2008). Eventually, today the Court has granted possession and costs of action to us as landlords. However, useless agent seems unable to advise as to next steps.....can't even tell us if Court has given 14 or 28 days to vacate, so will await written confirmation from court.

However, my view is that we need to be preparing for bailiff action asap (legally) as these tenants will simply sit tight. Agent appears unaware as to whether we need to return to court to instruct bailiffs or whether we as landlords (or him as agent!!!!) can set the wheels in motion now...Can anyone please advise as nearing our wits end...

This isn't a business for us, we were offered a rent free, very large property in a lovely area by a friend and chose to let our home to cover our mortgage (yes, swapped to BTL so all above board), and employed agent to avoid these type of issues...needless to say, said agent will not be paid nor retained once these tenants are removed..

Thanks in advance

Harry and Keogh lol

I had a similar situation some years ago , the day the court granted possession order my solicitor immediately instructed court bailiff's to evict tenant ,court bailiff's are often busy so you need to instruct them a.s.a.p , you can find out from the court the possession day so as not to waste time. I think it cost some years ago £80 but propably more now. Good luck.

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