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HMO Management - HELPPPP!!!


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Dear all

I think I have this correct but clarification would be much appreciated.

The Housing Act 2004 defines an HMO as a house or flat let to three or more people who form two or more households.

If say then a 4 bedroom house over 2 floors was let to 4 tenants on the same AST agreement then it is an HMO, but not subject to mandatory licencing because there needs to be 5 tenants and 3 or more floors.

As it is an HMO then, presumably The Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (England) Regulations 2006 are applicable. If thats the case then that menas that electrical inspections need to be carried out every 5 years, details of the manager displayed in the house, and all that mallarky?!

Is this right?!?!?!


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Pretty much yes .....not forgetting fire precautions (doors, locks , extinquishers, intumescent strips, smoke alarms etc) each council will have a fact sheet on local requirements ....

Electrical tickets are sensible ....try having a fire and NOT being able to produce one ........altho not well policed .....YET!!!!

The Rodent

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