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Anyone considering taking on tenants claiming benefits would do well to get today's Telegraph. There is an interesting article in the Property supplement about many LLs no longer taking those tenants claiming LHA benefits. It underlines my previous point that the Gov sets social policy, not the private landlord, and is responsible for the lack of affordable rental property from the private sector, if it gets it's policies wrong, and leans too much in favour of one side than the other.

Unfortunately, with the bunch of numpties currently in power, it's increasingly likely that legislation will be considered that prevents discrimination against the idle and lazy when selecting your tenants, in order to reduce councils' budgetary and housing burdens. However, if this was to happen it would still be counter-productive because many landlords would just sell and invest elsewhere, reducing even further the availability of affordable housing to the rented sector.

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If people sell then there needs to be a buyer and buyers will look at the potential return.

Idea that as HB tenants are bad has as much credence as the idea that all Landlords are bloodsucking scum. Both will be through in certain situation but in general the majority of HB tenants are good as are the majority of landlords.

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Anyone on benefits is more likely to be in a more vulnerable position than employed tenants. It doesn't necessarily make them bad tenants, but the potential for them becoming bad tenants is increased hence the reluctance to take them on.

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I served a S21 on my DSS tenant and she was due to leave on 8th June.

Having served 3 notices about noise disturbance over 18 months, rent arrears were the final straw.

Although until Feb 08 her rent was always paid bang on time, she was caught fraudulently claiming child support and all her benefits stopped.

That included my rent!! :angry:

I was advised today she has abandoned the property owing me nearly a £1000.00 in rent and leaving considerable damage to the outside of the property. I contacted her by text to confirm she was leaving today, and reminding her that she owes me money. Her reply " you have my deposit, so stick it!" :unsure:

I have not seen the interior of the property yet, so don't know what I am going to find!

I personally will never take another DSS tenant, when they are good they are brilliant, but when they go bad they are a nightmare!

Incidentaly, my mortgage company have just advised me that DSS tenants will no longer be suitable acceptance for renting the property.

It is not BTL but rented with their consent!

So some landlords will no longer have the choice, it's been made for us! ;)

:ph34r: NSI

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