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My tenants have taken my hoover and microwave so what can i do?


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My tenants have moved out along with my microwave and two of my hoovers. An expensive lamp has also been replaced with a less expensive one. I have the property managed by an agent, and the tenants informed the agent, that all the items broke, and so the hoovers and microwave were disposed of, and the lamp was replaced. My agent says I can have £100 compensation, but this is to compensate for glass shelving that was broken, cleaning and painting costs. I was under the impression, that the tenant had to report faulty goods etc to the agent, and not dispose of anything. Is the agent acting in my best interests or the tenants?

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I wouldn't be happy with that and would refer to the inventory, everything should be listed on there along with its condition. I would also suggest that you ask to see the written evidence of when you were notified and also where and when these items were appended to the inventory.

The inventory is so important hopefully you have a copy (with photos).

Hopefully, you'll get some other more experienced replies on here soon to help you.


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