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I want Tennant to leave


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Dear Forum. given that T has failed yet again to pay any rent for the month of April. I saw T on the Bus Sunday before last and made a request for said rent in a non confrontational manner. I got the brush off. T said I qoute "I am to XXXX off for the rent". T was aggresive and hostile T never paid any rent in the month of February either. Ive heard on the grapevine that T drinks the rent. I was rather upset at T's vehement put down.

Recognising a 6th approx of T's rent is by way of HB as T is in reasonably low paid work. Does this give me the right to seek vacant possesion under the terms that T is failing to be in compliance with rolling AST as T has been resident 2.5 years?. Because I hope so, as I am fed up with T's attitude. I have sent T txt messages requesting rent and am not getting any replies.Things have turned sour.

I am wondering wether Eviction under a section 8 notice is now appropriate?. Does the mandotory 8 weeks as T is meant to pay 4 weekly have to run continuously or given the fact I am now 9 weeks out of pocket, due to T not paying in Feb. regardless of wether the month in advance T paid in the beginning. Could be used in T's defence to stand as the missed Feb payment.

The fact it is evident that T is being unreasonable, As LL am I in a good position to make an application in respect of a section 8 notice to recover possesion of the prop. Given the fact that I am 9 weeks in total without payment. Going on the principle T's are meant to be at least 1 month in advance of their rent payments. Irrespective of any HB award as that only forms a small ammount of the whole liability due?.

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