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New Tenancy Agreement


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I'm relatively new at this, but have had my 1st tenant in for coming upto 6 months with an AST. My tenant wants to renew her tenancy but I don't know whether I have to issue another AST? Does the AST change to something else? or do we just carry on with the original AST? Many thanks for any help given


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The current AST will run "forever" (on a periodic basis) or until either one of you (LL or T ) serves notice to quit .

OR until a new AST is agreed and signed .....this CAN be for exactly the same rent and conditions .....or used as an opprotunity to vary terms (rent ...conditions)

The main reason LL(or T) will want to sign a new AST ,is for LL, to put rent up or "lock in" a further "fixed period" of occupation ie 6-12mths whereby a LL knows that a T will be in occupation ....personally i do this as a matter of course ...i have 32 props and the thought of all of these giving notice at the same time and having only 4-8 weeks to re-fill is completely un acceptable and not good business planning in my opinion !!!

From T point of view they know they have a "safe/gauranteed" period of tenure so maybe if they are on a 6 nth contract with work and get a further 6 mth extension ...they then extend their AST by 6 mths to G their accom for employment period ...so it works both ways .....

Many LL dont bother and leave AST to run periodic ........which is fine as long as it suits both parties ....

NOTE : If you are using TDS ins scheme (now known as www.mydeposits.com) then you will have to pay to re- protect T dep on each and every AST "renewal".....

Hope this helps !

The Rodent

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The current AST will run "forever" (on a periodic basis) or until either one of you (LL or T ) serves notice to quit .

OR until a new AST is agreed and signed .....this CAN be for exactly the same rent and conditions .....or used as an opprotunity to vary terms (rent ...conditions)

The main reason LL(or T) will want to sign a new AST ,is for LL, to put rent up or "lock in" a further "fixed period" of occupation ie 6-12mths whereby a LL knows that a T will be in occupation ....personally i do this as a matter of course ...i have 32 props and the thought of all of these giving notice at the same time and having only 4-8 weeks to re-fill is completely un acceptable and not good business planning in my opinion !!!

From T point of view they know they have a "safe/gauranteed" period of tenure so maybe if they are on a 6 nth contract with work and get a further 6 mth extension ...they then extend their AST by 6 mths to G their accom for employment period ...so it works both ways .....

Many LL dont bother and leave AST to run periodic ........which is fine as long as it suits both parties ....

NOTE : If you are using TDS ins scheme (now known as www.mydeposits.com) then you will have to pay to re- protect T dep on each and every AST "renewal".....

Hope this helps !

The Rodent

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