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what to provide?


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When I first started renting out furnished accommodation I used to almost be a surrogate mother to my tenants even providing toasters, kettles, cutlery and crockery.

Obviously I don't do that any more and have also stopped providing mattresses (sick of arguments over stains at the end of tenancies so now they just buy there own). My wife (she has her own investment properties) does not provide a vacuum cleaner (saying that its best to provide as few electrical appliances as possible) I tend to think that this is the same as a lawn mower ie I should provide one if I expect tenants to maintain the garden. What do you provide? is it reasonable to expect the tenant to get their own vacuum cleaner, I think that I should provide one but would be interested to know what others do to ascertain what is the norm?

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I don't provide anything (except basics carpets, curtains, smoke alarms) mainly because you would have to maintain them and basically you are liable, definate problems with anything electricial plus fire regs on furniture.

All that aside I just feel if they have their own stuff they'll stay longer and respect the place as a whole, I don't think you can command that much more for a furnished property anyway.

Just my thoughts.


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To furnish or not to furnish?

Depends what others do in the area. Personally I would say probably 95% in my area are unfurnished and I would have thought most areas would be similar to that on accomodation let as a whole?

Using the thinking that many renters will already have lots of their own furniture, you could really be limiting yourself by furnishing, and as Selkirk says, you will more than likely get the tenants which want furnished as they know they are not going to be staying long.

There is a lot of hassle and cost related to furnishing as well. You will get all sorts of requests...... The washing machine is broken, the table has collapsed, the wardrobe drawers are broken, the bed has collapsed.....COME & FIX ASAP! the sofa is dirty... can you have it professionally cleaned.

For me the only way it would be worth furnishing is if you can charge extra wonga, and a substantial amount (£100 per month). I don't think people will be prepared to pay it to be honest.

Should you provide kettles, hoovers, microwaves, toasters, minbars etc?


This is a silly idea. As Odecar says you will need to have them checked....Toasters are big causes for Fire Brigades being called out and they will ask if it has been checked yearly etc... Not worth the worry. The cost of getting these checked yearly is going to cost much more than the items themselves. It is much more efficient use of money for tenants to buy these themselves.

Also tenants don't look after hoovers, so they will break probably on average once a year... All these things are just going to add to your hassle and end up p*ssing off the tenant if you don't continue to supply them with these items after they break them.

Cookers are a must and Fridge/freezers can go on forever, so provide one if that is the norm in your area (if it isn't then you will get requests to remove it every other tenancy)


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