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Credit Check


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As mentioned in another thread I usually use a LA to find a tenant but the one I used last time who was cheap, fast and efficient has moved out of the letting business and all the others in my area seem over-priced and the cost seems to be more for printing the brochure than service. So I am doing my own T find.

To do a credit check on someone what details do you need?

Name, current address? Last address?

Would I take a fee from prospective T first - and the above details?

I’m trying to find a T for short term 6 month max only as I seem to have found a T who would like the prop. For 2 years this Sept. I haven’t taken any deposit from the 2 yr interested T or signed contract with them yet, but its getting harder to find someone for shorter term and expect them to pay costs of credit check and bond protection.

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LA WILL charge a fee ...so why do you think it is unreasonable for a LL to charge one ?

Whatever you charge will be less than any agent i have found !!!

I charge £75 per Tenancy Plus £25 for every extra person that needs to be referenced ....

NO PROBLEMS ...but will waive/ negotiate if neccessary to close a deal..

Dont waste your time or your money on a basic credit check as it is pretty meaningless ...for an extra £10 you can get them properly and professionally referenced by

www.tenantref.co.uk which will give you a much clearer and far more accurate picture ...including a suggested credit limit (for rent)

Also please note ....T is paying for this service NOT you....just fill the form in and shove it in the fax machine ....and then get back on with your day ......dont waste time doing an inadequate and time consuming half a job !!!!

As for taking a deposit ...YES of course ..you need to see a commitment ...i take £175 ..£100 for the prop and £75 to set up, reference and cover inventory time etc

Which is very reasonable and far cheaper than a LA .........who profiteer from potential T by charging exorbitant fees NOT just to the Tenant but to the LL as well ......Double profiteering maybe :angry: !!!!!!!!!!

Mark ?.....

The Rodent

Ps get a deposit and ast signed for the 2 yr deal (after suitable refs and negotiations) as a deal is not a deal until it is done...

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Well, I've found a T for a short term Let (3 months) and will be doing a credit check

thru rentchecks or tenantref.

1. Is any partcular kind of check more suited to a candidate who is self-employed on the higher tax bracket? (which is what my short term T is)

2. Would a credit check on foreign nationals in the country for less than 3 yrs bring up anything? As my long term future T Let (2 yr) belongs to this category and is also a student, so no income but is sponsored by parents abroad. Is there a particular credit check to go for as some referenecing agencies seem to have an International Report option? Or would the standard report do the job. Would you opt for getting bank references either part of the report or separately..

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Just something that springs to mind, I'm sure that an AST is for a minimum of 6 months. If you agree to three months and they don't want to leave after that they can legally stay for a further 3 months until the 6 months have expired.

One to check out and consider.


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I think you are right, that if an AST was issued (for any term -less than 6M) they can stay for 6 months.

I think I'll be ok on this one as prospect. T is on a short term contract in the city -and has residential address where they've lived at for almost 18 years! At the moment they're staying in an hotel.

Getting an income based credit check done anyway on this one -they actually only want it till 1 June, but I want a 3 month minimum at least!

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I think you are right, that if an AST was issued (for any term -less than 6M) they can stay for 6 months.

I think I'll be ok on this one as prospect. T is on a short term contract in the city -and has residential address where they've lived at for almost 18 years! At the moment they're staying in an hotel.

Getting an income based credit check done anyway on this one -they actually only want it till 1 June, but I want a 3 month minimum at least!

If rent period is for 3 months or less then i take full payment up front ...#

The Rodent

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